ℹī¸Welcome/Navigating the Docs

Learn how to navigate the Golden Bot documentation

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Make sure you read over the bot's TOS and Privacy Policy before using the bot. By using Golden Bot you agree to these terms and conditions.

Welcome to the Golden Bot docs!

This is where you can find everything you need to know in order to get Golden Bot up and running on your server/guild! Please read this entire page if you're new so that you understand how the documentation is structured and get a basic understanding of all the resources available to you.

Under Development

Currently, Golden Bot is under a lot of development and there are frequent changes being made. Due to this and my extraordinarily busy schedule, some information may be out of date due to the rapid advancement. If there are any critical errors within the docs please inform the team on the community/support Discord guild immediately. https://support.goldendev.net

If you ever need to send someone a link to a specific portion of a page you can find the # symbol next to the headings and that will set your page URL (which you then copy) to take the individual that clicks the link directly to the specified content.

Important terminology

Throughout the docs, you will see various types of terminology that you may not be familiar with yet so read this over carefully to ensure that you understand what everything means and the differences.

  • STRING: you can think of a string as text. A string however has a limit on how many characters you can store in it at any time of 255.

  • TEXT: similar to a string but with unlimited length by default

  • BOOLEAN: officially true or false but you can think of it as yes or no, on or off

  • INTEGER: a number, "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10..."

  • USER: a user is an account on Discord, it IS NOT a member of your guild, it is similar but completely separate. Think of it as who you talk to in DMs versus in servers. They have no roles and no guild-related data.

  • MEMBER: a member is a member of your guild (server). They may have roles, guild invites, permissions, etc. Think of the member as who you talk/interact with in a guild as they are a 'member' of the guild

  • GUILD: a guild is a Discord server. It is called a guild in most programming languages and in the official Discord documentation so get used to it being called a guild instead of a server, that's their official name.

Understanding the Docs/Commands

The documents are organized into various categories and areas to help make it easier to find what you need...


Code Blocks & Copy + Arguments:

Whenever you see a command in something called a 'code block' here on the docs there are two different types of arguments you may see in the commands: <required> & [optional]. An example might look like the warn command below which tells you that "/warn" is the main command, "<user>" is required, and "[reason]" is optional. If you'd like to copy the format from the code block directly to your computer's clipboard just click the copy icon on the far right of a code block.

/warn <user> [reason]

More Arguments:

There's also one more type of argument that some commands may ask for. These arguments are in a list of options that you can choose from. Often in the docs, I will represent these commands as type('a list of options here separated by commas') or something similar based on what type of command so it may also be select('a list of options here separated by commas') or any other number of things but all following the same principles. Also, when it is a relatively small/manageable list of options I may just include it in the command or here on the docs there will be a list/expandable list of some sort on the specific command's page which you can find all the commands that the bot offers in the commands category of the docs. "humans" in this case means ALL users of a server that aren't bots and "bots" means all users that are bots. There's also an option of giving a role to everyone in this case with "all":

/role add multi <role> <type(humans, bots, all)> [reason]

Understanding Example Commands:

The final important note on examples is how example command configurations are displayed. What this means is how to understand the ways it may look different between the examples and how you should execute the command on your server. Below is an example configuration for the "/role create" command and so when you try to do the command on your server you will essentially do the main command, then set the name of the role, then select the permissions option and what you'd put in the permissions slot is the "SEND_MESSAGES, MANAGE_CHANNELS" for the sake of this example. You may either do the ", " between each permission or just the "," if you'd prefer, either way, will work fine.

/role create <name> permissions: SEND_MESSAGES, MANAGE_CHANNELS


Below is a different type of Slash Command called a Subcommand. A Subcommand is made up of two main parts. There's the main command in this case "/role" and then a space followed by "give" which in this case is the Subcommand. Keep in mind there can be up to 2 subcommands in a command as well although it is most often just the main command or a single Subcommand. In this case "multi" is the 2nd Subcommand. I have also included the arguments for both commands here just as an example but the focus is the first part of both commands.

Single subcommand:

/role give <role> <user> [reason]

Double subcommand:

/role give multi <role> <type(humans, bots, all)> [reason]

Want to jump right in?

Feeling like an eager beaver? Jump into the quick start docs and get started with the basics:

⚡Quick Start

Want to dive deep?

Dive a little deeper and start exploring the in-depth docs for Golden Bot, to achieve your guild's full potential. It is highly recommended that you read over the Quick Start guide first as it is quick and it is a good foundation for understanding the rest of the docs/bot:

đŸ’ģIn-Depth Guide

Last updated