⚑Quick Start

Quick Start guide on how to use Golden Bot

Good to know: This is a quick guide to get you started on the fundamentals of the Golden Bot, Discord bot. It is recommended that you follow this guide to get started and comfortable and then move on to the In-Depth Guide.

Update Logs

Click the button below to view the bot's update logs which include everything you need to know that has changed since the previous version of the bot and the current one as well as important details about upcoming features and their progress and bug fixes, etc... Update logs are maintained within the Discord server for convenience and accessibility.


You can make a suggestion for the bot at any time as described on the MakeΒ aΒ Suggestion! page.

Using a Slash Command


Let's start with the most basic and common command with almost all bots. /ping. Below this text, you can see an example structure/layout for how the commands might look on the documentation based on if there are a lot of details for the command or if it's just a simple command such as ping.

Command with few or no options:


The fields on the actual command in the case of /role create are simplified so that they fit easier in the docs but if you expand the section you can see the exact wording.

Command with multiple options:

/role create [name] [color] [display] [position] [permissions 1-10]
















You can view a list of all commands available on the bot at any time within the Commands directory. This list will not always be up to date as it's not high on the priority list. It's more important to us to release new features and fix bugs or help out the community.

Setup & Configuration (Currently Unavailable)

Under Development

Currently, this feature is under active development and may be changing significantly in the near future, as of the last update to the documentation this command has been completely removed in favour of the web dashboard. https://dashboard.goldendev.net

The bot is set up for the easiest configuration possible through various different menus that can be accessed through the /setup guild command. It will provide a list of all of the possible setup commands you can run to set up various features/commands/permissions of the bot. A few examples of this are provided below.

/setup guild
/setup reports channel [default] [channel] [channelid] [channelurl]

Channel for /report member or /report message reports to be sent to

Channel Type

The channel must be a text channel, not a thread, post, or anything other than a normal text channel


The default channel when you run this command is the channel you send the command in if you don't specify another one.


Option to mention a channel from a list of all channels on the guild


Id of the target channel


URL of the target channel

/setup suggestions channel [default] [channel] [channelid] [channelurl]

Channel for /guild suggest suggestions to be sent to

Channel Type

The channel must be a text channel, not a thread, post, or anything other than a normal text channel


The default channel when you run this command is the channel you send the command in if you don't specify another one.


Option to mention a channel from a list of all channels on the guild


Id of the target channel


URL of the target channel

Feature Setup/Configuration

In order to get more information about how to set up or configure specific commands or features that the bot offers please check the Guide portion of the docs for specifics on various features. This portion of the docs is very new and won't be updated for a while. It is likely due to the vast amount of other more important tasks that we will be looking for volunteers to help fill this section in and then review their submissions before adding them to the docs.

Last updated