Major update: Infractions system & 'Bot' commands
In the first revision of this version there will be the new addition of a basic infractions system with more features to come shortly afterwards.
Commands added:
/dev test --> This command is a test for an Autocomplete system that will be later implemented in commands for things like creating a new role with specified permissions, please feel free to mess around with any testing commands and report errors through /bot bug-report so I can fix the errors, thanks :)
/bot docs
/help - Yes, there will be a bot help and help command, they will both do the same thing but most users will likely look for just a "/help" command so I will leave both options
/bot help
/bot updates
/bot topgg
/bot support
/bot links
/bot youtube-tutorials
/bot suggest
/bot bug-report
/bot invite
/bot version
/role add
/role remove
/inf search
/setup reports-channel
/report message
Report Message - context command
WhoIs - context command
/guild invite
/guild stats
As part of this update, I will be beginning the tutorials series on my tutorials YouTube which is linked in the top bar on the documentation for you to access anytime. If you have ANY trouble please don't hesitate to join the support server if you can't find your answer through any of our other resources also linked in the top bar.
Future commands (v1.1.0)
/report member
Report Member - context command
/inf update
/inf info
/role create
/channel mention
/inf clear
Future commands (v1.2.0)
/guild suggest
/setup guild (shows features that have been set up on the server)
/setup suggestions channel
Future commands (v1.3.0)
/role name
/role color
/channel name
/setup moderator role
/setup role - configure various things that set roles can do with the bot
/setup levels channel
Template for infraction reasons (e.g. spamming, swearing, etc)
Future commands (v1.4.0)
/setup faq channel
Username special character/mentionable screening system
Future commands (v1.4.0)
Select menu & button roles?
Last updated
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